New California Laws

COVID-19 Tenant Protections

While Mr. Trump’s best idea for helping people to address the financial and medical threats of COVID-19 is to suggest that people ingest bleach (Don’t listen to him. Listening to him will kill you.), governors are leading with much needed policies and new laws to protect tenants as they “Stay Safe at Home.”  
On March 16, 2020, California Governor, Gavin Newsom, issued an executive order authorizing local governments to exercise their police powers to enact COVID-19 eviction protections for tenants, and he instructed housing authorities to grant extended time for compliance.

New California Laws

2019 New California Laws

February 4, 2019

New California laws include the following:

Who is awarded custody of the family pet in a divorce proceeding is determined by the court using factors which are similar to those of child custody issues.

The State of California has recognized the importance of the public to have access to misconduct information of law enforcement officers. 

New California Laws

2017 New California Laws

February 6, 2017

2017 new California Laws include the following:

California’s 2016 gender wage equality law revisions prohibit an employer from paying any of its employees at wage rates less than those paid to employees of the opposite sex for substantially similar work, when viewed as a composite of skill, effort, and responsibility, even if the wage differential is from different establishments or locations. The 2017 revisions also prohibit an employer from paying any of its employees lower wage rates based on race or ethnicity.